The David McAntony Gibson Foundation (DMGF) was created in the spring of 1998 to honour the life of a remarkable man. David believed in taking the time to help those around him both near and far, and he is remembered as a caring, compassionate and dedicated man. In keeping with David's spirit, DMGF delivers humanitarian aid around the world in the wake of disasters and conflicts.
In the beginning, several Canadian firefighters volunteered to respond internationally to disasters with GlobalMedic, DMGF’s operational arm. During the deployments, they identified a need to reinforce the capacity of local fire services before and after an emergency. GlobalFire was established in 2010 to meet this need and received its own charitable status in 2014.
Our Mission
GlobalFire's mission is to strengthen the emergency response capacity of organizations and communities around the world through the provision of equipment and training.
“We seek to empower people and train firefighting divisions in the global community”
What WE DO
Collect and donate fire suppression equipment.
Train local first responders in firefighting and first aid.
Perform Search and Rescue operations around the world.