Craig September 11, 2013 Guatemala 2013 Blog Ten- The cast of characters Craig September 11, 2013 This is some of the cast of characters we are working with this week Salvador "Losh" Matheu González, 38 years old, fire fighter since 1997, 2 years as a Director. He is the boss. Luís Roberto “Popeye” Marroquín Torres, 35 years old, 15 years in the fire service, 2 years as the Jefe de la Estación Oscar “Pinta Araña” (Painting Spider because he also paints cars) de León López, 40 years old, 19 years in the fire service, permanente, Jefe de Servicio Baudilio “Enano” (Dwarf) Aguilar Ortiz, 47 years old, 22 years in the fire service, he’s permanente, he’s a driver, paramedic, carpenter and scuba diver Melvin Estuardo “Medio Beso” (Half Kiss) Espada Ixcoy, 34 years old, 9 years in the fire service, permanente, galonista, paramedic José Mario Díaz Minera, 21 years old, 2 ½ years as a volunteer, studying medicine Marina “Mari” Alejos Torsellí, 43 years old, 2 ½ years as a volunteer, Sub-Directora for 1 year, she’s also an optometrist and a translator Hector Valiente, 54 years old, 13 years in the fire service, permanente, driver José Javier Quevedo Fernández, 14 years old, one year as a volunteer, he’s in college studying medicine Fabiola Portillo Gaetán, 34 years old, 9 years as a volunteer, she is also a nurse Carlos Humberto “Beavis” Sandoval Fuentes, 17 years old, has been a volunteer for 1 year and 3 months, he’s a senior in school, wants to live in the US for a year to perfect his English then come back to Guatemala to study medicine Damaris Aleyda Castillo Flores, 39 years old, 5 years a volunteer, she also works in a hospital