Edgar Alfredo “Freddy” Ralda Gamboa, 43 years old, 18 years in the fire service as a volunteer, he’s Oficial II
Victor “Tito” Estuardo Flores Calvinisti, 56 years old, 2nd year as a volunteer, he is also an agricultor
Luís Fernando “Chupa” García, 25 years old, 7 years in the fire service, he’s a permanente, a paramedic and he also takes care of the equipment in the station
Ludvin “Paleta” Yoc, 21 years old. It’s his second year as a
volunteer. He was seriously injured in an vehicle accident while driving an ambulance. He was returning from a call on December 25, 2012 after driving a pregnant woman to the
hospital. His ambulance was hit by a drunk driver and rolled over. He lost his arm in the accident. After he recovered he returned to the fire service.
Rolando José de Léon Ardón, 24 years old, 3 years in the fire service, 2nd year as a permanente. He’s a driver and also does water rescue.
José Luís Salanic García, 37 years old, 10 years with the 96 Company, Cantél, Quetzaltenango. He’s a permanente on a 24 hour shift (24 hours on, 24 hours off). He is often the only fire fighter on duty at the station. When possible, 2 volunteers work the night shift with him. They have very little equipment.